How To Be More Feminine When It Comes to Dating

We're often led to believe that femininity and masculinity are opposing forces, but in truth, these two expressions were meant to complement one another beautifully.

Understanding and exploring the dance between these two elements can be especially important in the world of dating.

So, if you're a woman seeking to attract a masculine man, we've got 4 helpful tips to help you reclaim your femininity and ultimately attracting the man of your dreams

Being Feminine and How it Relates to Dating

The prevailing ideology is that each of us harbors a blend of both feminine and masculine characteristics – or energies. And while that may seem true, the reality is we are inherently feminine or masculine by birth. And it’s our environments that nurtures or influences our personality and what traits should come out

Growing up in the 80s and 90s, the prevailing conversations in TV shows, music and movies had always preached the same message for women.

“I can do anything a boy can,”

“I don’t need to wait for him to make the first move, I’ll do it,”

“I don’t need a man, I’m Miss Independent”

"Men and Women are equal"

And what all these thoughts or saying has done is suppress our femininity. As empowering as these statements have relayed to us is that our measure of worth comes down to how masculine we are. 

So, it's no surprise when we enter the dating world, those mindsets can come off as combative and challenging to our potential dates. 

"We're told that we're too masculine", "that we need to be softer" or "more feminine"

And as woman, our first response is to recoil. And that's the absurdity. Because we've been taught that femininity is all about weakness or subservience.

But here’s the good part. Our hope is that we're going to help you be more soft and feminine in a relationship with these simple steps. 

They're not easy, but they'll help you.

First, let's go over the foundations. By being a woman, you are inherently feminine.

And at its core, femininity is not about weakness or subservience—rather, it's a powerful force that emanates warmth, kindness, and compassion. It's about leveraging the unique qualities that make you a woman to foster a relationship that's filled with passion and respect, a nurturing sanctuary from the world.

And God created you that way.

Ok, so how do I be more soft and feminine?

Well the fastest and easiest way to do is this, dress more feminine.

And while we agree that developing a healthy spiritual, mental and physical life is equally important, if not more important, when it comes to dating, your physical appearance is what someone will see first.

In fact, a recent study noted that 83% of Americans are more likely to form a good first impression of somebody they perceive as confident. And this study cited that dressing poorly was among the top reasons people form a bad first impression. 

But here's another reason why dressing. more feminine is important to being soft and feminine in a relationship

Remember the concept of a vision board? Well, it uses a concept called visualization to create a mental picture in our mind. 

What science has found is that our brain will look for ways to confirm that mental picture. So, when you dress more feminine and stand in the mirror, you create a mental picture of a more feminine you.

Your brain sees that image of a feminine you and works on making that image a reality by looking for opportunities to prove you are a feminine woman

And this makes for a more confident and attractive version of yourself and puts you in a position to attract a partner.

How to Be More Feminine in a Relationship Starts With Attracting the Right Partner

Like we mentioned earlier, traditional femininity in women has often been demonized by society's standard. And our true worth is measured by how masculine we are. 

And there isn't anything wrong with women who have to step into their masculinity (ie becomes the sole providers) but if they are continual in operating more masculinity, it becomes a burden that they weren't meant to carry. 

So that's why we often recommend that a woman who wants to be more feminine do so in her single years. That way, you'll naturally attract men who appreciate these characteristics.

If you're operating in a masculine role - provider/survival/fighter, you'll attract the partner who is likely to your opposite, ie one who is comfortable operating in a feminine role. So if you suddenly switch, or desire to tap into your femininity, you'll find that it'll be a struggle.

But if you're already dating or married, we've outline tips that will help you be more feminine in your relationships - no worries, just understand it will take some time 

Now, let’s talk practical advice you can use to amplify your femininity in dating to captivate the masculine man you desire.

In the context of dating and relationships, feminine traits can often light the way to stronger, more intimate bonds. What's considered "feminine" is expansive and can encompass a range of attributes from nurturing to empathy, all contributing to the art of building meaningful connections.

How to act more feminine on dates

1. Embrace Your Softer Side and Be More Compassion

Showing your softer side starts with being present in the moment, letting go of the need to control, and allowing yourself to receive the attention and affection given to you.

Examples of what being soft means include,

  • Being Thoughtful and Empathetic
  • Practicing Active Listening
  • Being Patient
  • And Humble

When you embrace your softer side, you create a space where both you and your date feel at ease but this only comes from an emotionally intelligence woman.

And this is so important because your ability to be more soft starts from your place of safety. If you do not feel spiritually or mentally safe, ie have experienced traumatic experience that you need to involve therapy - do so.

Next, appear soft in your presentation. It's all about first impressions when it comes to dating. So opt for gentle makeup, accentuating your feminine features and opt for soft colors and fabrics when it comes to what you wear to appear soft.

And pay attention to what your body is saying - A warm smile, gentle eye contact, and a soft tone in your conversation not only communicate confidence but also showcase your gentleness and peace. 

a soft tone in your conversation

So this doesn't mean sound like a baby or speak in a whisper. No.

When it comes to developing a softer tone in your relationship, all that means is being respectful with the words you use to convey your wants and disagreements. 

Disagreements may arise, but they’re an opportunity to demonstrate your ability to handle conflict with poise. Speak your mind calmly, lead with your softness, and don’t shy away from showing vulnerability—it's a strength, not a failing.

Engage with genuine warmth and kindness, and focus on being respectful to your date. Respect him and his time.

When faced with decisions or differing opinions, voice your thoughts with a tone that is both gentle and assertive.

2. Allow Your Date to Take the Lead

Remember when I mentioned that masculinity and femininity are complementary. Well, this is where the complementary dance takes into effect

When a feminine woman is on a date, she expects the masculine man she is on the date with to lead. 

And I understand in this era, it’s not easy for woman to find men who will take the initiate, but ladies they are out there. In fact, I find that there are many men willing and wanting to take the lead but it's up to you to create that environment for him to take the lead. 

How do you do this? By getting to know him.

Take things slow. 

Our recommendation would be more coffee dates, rather than formal dates. The reason is for you to get to know him without the frills and expenses, you want to know who this person is and if you feel comfortable taking to lead. 

Our fear of being lead by the wrong person will often lead us to jump in the minute they are not doing things the way we think it should be done - we take back the lead. We step back into the masculine role. 

So, take your time to get to know him before going on a formal date. 

Now, if you're in a relationship already. Taking the lead looks a little different - assuming you already have a healthy level of trust. This would involve sitting down, discussing what your expectations are when it comes to your household and ask him to take the lead on these things. And when do you ask him, step back. 

If he doesn't do things the way you like it, let him do it and give him the grace to make some mistakes as he figures it out.

To Submit or Not to Submit?

Ok, so this is my biggest pet peeve - submission because it's taken out of context.

So many people throw this word around and have no knowledge of what it means or what Paul had instructed when he stated for husbands to love and wives to submit.

So, As a feminine women, should you submit to your date?

No. Submission is an act given in the context of Christian marriage. So if you're dating, and you're not married, you don't submit.

Now, this does not mean you don't allow him to take the lead.

But for heavens sake, you don't forfeit your common sense. If it seems off, speak up.

Now back to the tips,

3. Act With Grace

A feminine woman will strive to be polite and kind, especially in response to chivalrous acts.

I remember one of my early dates with my now husband, we went into the city and walked around. My mom told me to focus on getting to know him, be gracious with the small acts of kindness but don't expect much in terms of buying gifts and flowers. And I did. My date did not buy me any flowers or gifts. We bought ice cream and talked. Simple and nice. Now, he lavishes me with gifts but it did not start off that way. 

And I share this because this is the hardest concepts for western women. There is a part of us that wants to be courted lavishly, and thanks to Instagram, this expectation is amplified. 

But on the first few dates, our expectation has to be based in reality. We have to be gracious and kind because that's what being feminine is about. We're thoughtful and speak kindly of others and treat others graciously.

Now, do not continually excuse his poor actions or any big red flags, but simple mistakes or misunderstanding should be approached with grace. 

When your date opens a door for you or lends you a jacket, recognize these gestures as acts of care and respond with kindness. It’s not about the act itself but their intention to treat you with consideration and respect.

And happily accepting gifts and allowing yourself to be treated.

And here’s the thing, being feminine, gracious and kinds will attract more gifts. So, if you’re not receiving any gifts yet, it’ll happen the more feminine traits you start to exhibit.

And if you're dating or in a relationship, treat your husband or spouse with grace and kindness. Thank him for the simple tasks that he's doing that may be overlooked. Get to know what his love language is and use that to convey your respect and appreciation for him.

💡 Did you know

Studies show that women wearing red were rated significantly more attractive and sexually desirable by men than the exact same women shown with other colors. And the study also noted that when wearing red, the woman was also more likely to be treated to a more expensive outing.

4. Appear More Feminine

Finally, look more feminine and soft. Spend extra time pampering yourself before your dates so that you can look and feel your absolute best!

And I'd say this is important for him as well because we love when our date looks good for us. I get so annoyed when I see those comments on instagram from other women, bashing women who dress up for their man. 

It's just insufferable to be honest. Men are highly visual, so it's the most flattering thing to do is to dress up for them. Because they know you're doing it for them. How much better do you think they feel, and how much more will they want to reciprocate that feeling back to you. 

So, you can stick to a classically feminine aesthetic: soft makeup and clothes that flaunt your curves and accentuate your womanly figure. 

Rosy cheeks, glossy lips, soft curls or braids will go a long way. Look for clothes with traditionally feminine details that highlight your narrow waist and the curve of your hips. And the beauty about this is we have an entire collection dedicated to finding styles to enhance your feminine figure.

How Tiana Bay Can Help You Dress More Feminine On Your Date

At Tiana Bay’s, we believe in empowering and uplifting your God-given femininity. We believe every person is fearfully and wonderfully created on purpose, for a purpose. And by being born as a woman, you are inherently feminine. And we also believe that the right outfit can help you unlock your feminine power on a date, allowing you to feel confident, radiant, and magnetic.

When we dress with intention, it sends a message—not just to the person we’re with but to ourselves about who we are, how we feel about ourselves, and how we expect to be treated. And so each style in our classy date night collection was thoughtfully selected with that in mind. Our hope is that in these pieces, you are able to communicate who you are, what you feel about yourself and the respect you deserve.

We do this by

  • Hand-selecting styles made of the finest composition, weight, and texture, focusing on natural fibers like cotton, silk, cashmere, and leather when possible to ensure unmatched quality and comfort.
  • Each item is carefully inspected for expertly tailoring to enhance your feminine silhouette to ensure that each piece drapes beautifully, providing effortless movement and a perfect fit.
  • And partnering with independent designers and makers who focus on crafting every detail with care.

When you're getting ready for a special evening, you shouldn’t have to worry about shipping delays or excessive costs when ordering online. We’ve taken that concern off your plate by offering free shipping on all orders, ensuring you receive your items promptly. No more waiting for weeks—your perfect date-night outfit will arrive on time, allowing you to focus on enjoying your time out.

Are you ready to unlock your feminine power on your next date? 

Shop our classy feminine outfits for date night collection today and discover the perfect outfit to help you feel soft, beautiful, and effortlessly feminine.

Valerie, Co-Founder of Tiana Bay

My sister and I started Tiana Bay with a goal to help women reclaim their femininity with a curated collection of high-quality, classy, and playful styles. Our brand was created out of frustration to how black women were negatively portrayed in the media and our goal is to challenge the negative stereotypes surrounding black women and femininity

What Women Are Saying About Us

"I’ll admit I was hesitant because I had never heard of this boutique but it had the perfect dress for my daughters christening at a great price! Well I was pleasantly surprised! The communication about the order was top notch customer service and it got here so quickly! Then I opened it up and the quality was there! It has good weight to it and fine detail! Definitely was a good purchase! Highly recommend!.”

Lisa V

At Tiana Bay, we believe that dressing feminine is more than clothes. It's about embracing our God-given femininity, how we feel about ourselves and how we show up in the world. Growing up, my sister and I struggled to find soft feminine clothing that reflected the women we wanted to become. So, we started a feminine clothing brand to help you feel soft, delicate and beautiful while challenging the negative cultural stereotypes. We want to help you celebrate the strength and beauty that lies within a woman who knows she was born for such a time as this.

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