Christian's Guide to the Soft Life

Forget Courses: This One Thing Can Enhance Your Femininity

Forget Courses: This One Thing Can Enhance Your...

So, we came upon a TikTok video that caught our attention. I’ll leave the link here. It’s a short 13 second clip.  And In the video, a group of black...

Forget Courses: This One Thing Can Enhance Your...

So, we came upon a TikTok video that caught our attention. I’ll leave the link here. It’s a short 13 second clip.  And In the video, a...

Why Divine Femininity is Demonic - A Christian Soft Girl Perspective

Why Divine Femininity is Demonic - A Christian ...

So, I’ve got a confession to make. I hate terms like feminine energy or urge, but one that I’ve despised is Divine Femininity. And this is coming from a black...

Why Divine Femininity is Demonic - A Christian ...

So, I’ve got a confession to make. I hate terms like feminine energy or urge, but one that I’ve despised is Divine Femininity. And this is coming...

Help, I Want the Soft Life and I'm a Christian...

Help, I Want the Soft Life and I'm a Christian...

So can the Christian woman be a soft girl? Should a Christian woman pursue the soft girl life... As a black christian woman and an active soft woman, I think there is an...

Help, I Want the Soft Life and I'm a Christian...

So can the Christian woman be a soft girl? Should a Christian woman pursue the soft girl life... As a black christian woman and an active soft woman, I think...