How is Dressing More Feminine and Why Is It Important for Reclaiming Your God-Given Femininity?

When it comes to being more feminine , dressing more feminine is often overlooked. But in this post, we'll discuss how this one thing can transform your life.

I know you're not a stranger when it comes to reclaiming your femininity, or being more feminine, a simple scroll on Instagram, Pinterest or TikTok, you’re bound to find someone pushing some transformative or healing attribute when a woman wants to be more feminine.

But sometimes when you delve deeply into something, you can overlook the simpler details like why dressing more feminine actually matters. If you listen to any femininity coach or expert, you’ll likely find that dressing more feminine is not only overlooked but also frowned upon.

And before you know it, you don't know who to ask for advice - or unsure if you should even ask.

But here’s something the courses won’t tell you - it’s the simplest details coupled with the physical, spiritual and mental work that has the greatest impact. 

Don't worry, that's why our brand is here and I hope to help you with this post.

And our hope is that in this post, we’ll be able to explain our brand’s unique approach to reclaiming your femininity and how you can feel more feminine, soft and delicate. 

What does it mean to Dress More Feminine?

Simply put, when a woman chooses to dress more feminine, she is dressing in a manner that highlights her natural figure. 

Or in other words, she is consciously choosing styles, materials and colors that complement and accentuate her feminine features to appear more womanly. 

And this is important because dressing more femininely is not simply wearing a dress but approaching your natural feminine figure and seeing what ways can you naturally highlight your femininity without coming off too tacky, unkept or revealing. 

It’s a balance that you learn to dance. 

So, if you’re just starting out, don’t worry, you will find yourself looking more feminine in no time.

By the way, do you want to learn more from us? 

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Why Should You Care About Dressing More Feminine?

The most common objection I’ll hear from anyone trying to reclaim their femininity is that dressing more feminine is superficial and shallow. And that femininity is so much more deeper than that. 

So, before I share my take, I'd like to share a story to demonstrate our why. 

When I finished my undergraduate studies, I wanted to be a physician. 

And one of the most glorified things about medical school was the White Coat Ceremony - that typically took place around orientation. 

It was when the incoming medical class would don this precious white coat and take the hippocratic oath - essentially transitioning from students to physicians-in-training.

Spoiler alert, I never ended up applying to medical school but what I did find interesting is how this ceremony generally takes place before medical school training takes place.


But here’s the thing, what these schools were doing was creating a visual message for the students. Because studies show that what we wear has a drastic impact on how we perceive ourselves and how we feel about ourselves. 

So, if these students are dressed in their medical lab coats, they see themselves as physicians, they’ve set a mental goal in their mind. 

Now, I'm all about free will - and I can’t make you care about dressing more feminine, but let me give some compelling reasons why you should consider this

Dressing more feminine is important because:

  • Reason #1 It’s Your Mental Picture - Just like with the white coat ceremony, when we dress more feminine we create a mental image of who we want to be. This same practice is also commonly used in sports as the art of visualization. Science has already shown that when you create a mental picture in your mind, your brain will seek opportunities that make your mental picture a reality. So clothes that make you look more feminine creates a mental picture of a feminine you. And from there, your brain will do all it can to validate that mental picture (ie work on creating a healthier physical, mental and spiritual you)

  • Reason #2 - It's Immediate - when you start your feminine journey, this isn’t just a week long process - it’s often a lifelong process. And like with many other things in life, it will take time to show results. But dressing more feminine can show up as a win for you.

  • Reason #3 - It gives you confidence - when you look good, you feel good. So when you start dressing more feminine , you can instantly transform how you feel and how others perceive you. But more importantly, it serves as a finish line for you 

Disclaimer Don't think that dressing more feminine will suddenly transform you into the feminine woman you wanted to be.

No, that takes time, but dressing more feminine will help you see what this woman can be and help you work toward her simultaneously.

At Tiana Bay, we believe women are inherently feminine, 

But one of the most common obstacles when it comes to dressing feminine is that the women who choose to wear soft, feminine styles are often dismissed by some as weak, submissive and oppressed.

It’s not surprising. If you’re anything like me and grew up watching the 80s and 90s cartoons and sitcoms - most of the messaging felt like women empowerment statements- 

I can do anything a boy can do

Boys and girls are the same

And while I support the idea behind these statements, the subversive message behind these statements felt like - by being a girl, you were born with a slight disadvantage, and the only way to compensate was by being more like men.

That our femininity was the problem, and the way we fix things is by erasing it

So, it comes as no surprise that when a woman chooses to dress more feminine or desire traditional feminine roles / life, there’s often a societal resentment toward her. 

But here’s the thing, when you dress more feminine, and show up boldly, it’s almost as if you’re sending a message back that you accept yourself as a woman. That you know you are fearfully and wonderfully made on purpose for a purpose by a loving God. And you are showing up for that purpose.

And you are proud of your God-given femininity. 

A recent study showed that feminine women are more likely to get married, experience improved financial situations, enjoy better health, and report higher levels of happiness and life satisfaction. 

And I think this has to do with a general acceptance. When a woman views her God-given femininity not out of weakness or oppression, but out of acceptance - she sees the world differently. She realizes that she doesn’t have to do it all. She isn’t in a fight or flight mode, but able to rest and enjoy life to the fullest. She’s able to show up, dressed up and able to be her best feminine self because she’s operating from a place of rest. 

And that’s one of the beauties when it comes to dressing more feminine.

Dressing Feminine in Real Life

How dressing more feminine can affect you is just as important as understanding what it means to dress more feminine and why it matters.

I heard a young woman describe her transformation like this, 

changed my wardrobe because I wanted to be perceived as a classier and feminine type of woman. And since doing so, I’ve received better responses and access to different environments -better environments. Even the type of men who approach me are better. I used to get confused by the kinds of people who approached me before because they weren’t the type I would hang out with. But I had to change how I present myself. 

Kay shared this inside a Feminine Facebook Group, and it caught my attention immediately because so many women had similar stories to Kay. 

Another prominent Instagram influencer shared that she was tired of being the masculine one, she was black and grew up in a rough community and wanted to be more feminine. And so she started to dress more feminine. Eventually, she became a classy women influencer all because she decided to wear a pink shirt. 

And of course some people were skeptical, but the amount of women who had similar experiences to Kay and this influencer was staggering. 

3 Tips for Getting Started on Dressing More Feminine

Raise your hand if you are unsure how to get started. Be honest! 🙋‍♀️

That's no problem; here are some extra hints and tips to get you started:

  •  Tip #1:  Pinterest is your friend. Start with classy style icons and studying them - how do they dress, what colors do they gravitate to and what materials and fabrics do they use. And learn about your body as well.

  •  Tip #2:  Remember that dressing more feminine is about accentuating your natural feminine form, quality matters. so take time to learn about your body type but also realize that not all fashion brands are equal. When we’re looking at natural styles that accentuate your feminine form, a lot of the time it will come down to simple prints and patterns that highlight the material of the clothes, how it was put together and the quality of detail. For example, not all mini dresses are created equal - some mini dresses are classy and can be worn to work and out to dinner while others are just spandex. So quality matters. 

  •  Tip #3: Or, you can join our email list. As a feminine clothing brand, all we focus on is helping you dress more feminine by building collections of highly curated feminine styles along with building feminine capsule collections to make it easier for you to dress more feminine -effortlessly.  

Now, while you are dressing more feminine, for an in-depth look at how to develop a healthy spiritual, mental and physical life as a feminine woman, you can read this blog post


So, in summary, dressing more femininely is important to reconnect with your God-given femininity because it provides acceptance, a mental picture of a feminine you as you work toward becoming her

At Tiana Bay, we believe that women were created to reflect God-given femininity, a femininity that is loving, life giving, nurturing, compassionate, and kind. And we make it our mission to celebrate this kind of femininity through the styles we select.

We focus on high quality styles and build curated collections and capsule collections so that you can have fun dressing up and living your best life.

And if you’re interested in getting started on building your feminine wardrobe, we’d encourage you to shop our featured collection.

Valerie, Co-Founder of Tiana Bay

My sister and I started Tiana Bay with a goal to help women reclaim their femininity with a curated collection of high-quality, classy, and playful styles. Our brand was created out of frustration to how black women were negatively portrayed in the media and our goal is to challenge the negative stereotypes surrounding black women and femininity